Appropriate facilities shall be made available for disinfection, changing clothes, toilet, natural and artificial light, ventilation, prevention of spoilage, protection against dust, elimination of flies and rodents, washing of equipment, sewage discharge and the containment of garbage and other wastes; (三)应当有相应的消毒、更衣、盥洗、采光、照明、通风防腐、防尘、防蝇、防鼠、洗涤、污水排放、存放垃圾和废弃物的设施;
The Numerical Simulation of the Ventilation and Heat Dispersion of the Cabin for Military Communication Generator Set; Calculation of artificial ventilation and anlysis of airflow in ship engine room 军用通信电源机组舱通风散热的数值模拟船舶机舱机械通风的计算与气流组织分析
The artificial ventilation system is a multi-factor system with some high uncertain risks which should be under controlled by medical risk management of hospitals. 基于呼吸机建立的人工气道系统是一个多环节的复杂系统,存在高度不确定的应用风险性。
Calculation of artificial ventilation and anlysis of airflow in ship engine room 船舶机舱机械通风的计算与气流组织分析
Is Artificial Ventilation Dispensable in Cardiocerebral Resuscitation? 可以放弃人工通气吗?
Objective: To probe into the effect of applying artificial nose for respiratory management and airway humidification of patients undergoing artificial ventilation after incision of trachea. 探讨气管切开行人工通气病人应用人工鼻进行气道湿化的效果。
Artificial ventilation was used for twenty-seven patients, and air pipe mechanical ventilation was used for 1 case. 使用人工通气者27例,有创机械通气者1例。
Study of draining liquid between glottis and air pocket reducing accompanying pneumonia following artificial ventilation after severe craniocerebral injury 引流声门至气囊间积液减少颅脑损伤人工通气伴发肺炎的研究
When the rats had slow respiratory frequency and breathed with difficulty, the trachea was intubated and artificial ventilation was carried out. 当大鼠出现呼吸频率减慢、呼吸困难时即行气管插管并辅助机械通气。
Effect of artificial controlled mechanical ventilation in the treatment of patients with acute life-threatening respiratory failure 人工机械通气在救治急性致死性呼吸衰竭中的作用
Blood-gas analysis on rabbits during different volume of artificial ventilation 家兔不同人工通气量时的血气分析
Clinical Application Progress of Non-invasive Artificial Ventilation 无创性人工通气的临床应用进展
Inspired Oxygen and Oxygen Transfer During Artificial Ventilation for Respiratory Failure 呼吸衰竭在人工通气时的吸氧及氧的转运
Conclusion Artificial controlled mechanical ventilation is an effective method to treat severe asthma. 结论人工机械通气是救治危重症哮喘唯一有效的方法。
Effects of different modes of artificial ventilation on lung injury in dog model of acute respiratory distress syndrome 机械通气动态通气参数对急性呼吸窘迫综合征犬肺损伤的影响
Methods 42 cases of severe organophosphorous insecticides intoxication induced respiratory failure were treated with artificial controlled respiratory failure were treated with artificial controlled mechanical ventilation. 方法:应用机械通气治疗42例急性有机磷中毒并发呼吸衰竭。
Conclusions Given up artificial ventilation and supplied with oxygen by nasal cannula at pre glottis, the spontaneous heartbeat in the patients with brain death can maintain more than 7 minutes. 结论脑死亡患者停止人工通气经鼻导管声门前输氧,自主心搏可继续维持7min以上。
The indices of left ventricular pump function were measured with electromag-netic flowmetry in 38 anesthetized, open chest rats under artificial ventilation. 在麻醉、开胸和人工呼吸条件下,应用电磁流量计测定了38例正常大鼠的左室泵功能指标。
The respiratory tract infection was related with tracheotomy and artificial ventilation. 而且呼吸道感染与气管切开、使用呼吸机有相关性。
Conclusion It is the key to successful aid to keep the airway unblocked and perform artificial ventilation during CPR. 结论心肺复苏时分秒必争,迅速开放气道与人工通气,是抢救成功的关键;
Conclusion Effective nursing care of airways based on their characteristics in AOPP patients including prevention of unexpected shedding and mistaken take-in, appropriate humidity of airways and prevention of infection of the airways is the key to ensure the therapeutic effect artificial ventilation. 结论根据AOPP患者特殊的气道生理特征而实施严格有效的气道护理,包括预防意外脱管、预防误吸、恰当湿化气道、预防人工气道感染等是确保机械通气治疗效果、顺利脱机的关键。
Methods 36 patients with acute life-threatening respiratory failure were treated with artificial controlled mechanical ventilation. 方法对36例急性致死性呼吸衰竭患者进行人工机械通气治疗。
Results None of the rats in group B successfully withdraw from artificial ventilation. 结果B组膈肌功能恢复不佳,无一只大鼠脱机成功;
With artificial ventilation, glucocorticoid, and antibiotics therapy, etc., two patients had a clinical recovery while the other patient died. 经机械通气、糖皮质激素、抗生素等综合治疗,2例患者临床康复,1例患者死亡。
If metro station assisted by artificial ventilation, the measured wind data is relative stable and fresh air rate is enough. 当地铁站为机械辅助式自然通风时,实验所得的风速数据较为稳定,能有效的引入自然风,且换气次数较大。
Rat was anaesthetized with pentobarbital sodium and trachea intubation for artificial ventilation. 大鼠给以戊巴比妥钠腹腔注射麻醉,气管插管行人工呼吸。
This case belongs to unmeasured emergency airway, must be established the artificial airway ventilation by various methods, in the shortest time, to ensure patient life safety. 本例属未预料的急症气道,必须在最短的时间内运用各种方法建立人工气道通气,以保证患者生命安全。